Georgia Guidestones Message

Anonymous message claims to reveal R.C. Christian identity, Georgia Guidestones doom date: Update 2 – hacking attempts suggest hoax Update 2: This article has been followed by a flurry of bizarre hacks, spoofed emails and spoofed message comments. 1 day ago  A message intended for the survivors of a global nuclear holocaust. A message designed to help them restore a balance to the earth—and to avoid the mistakes that destroyed their ancestors. That, I think, is the purpose of the Georgia Guidestones, and that’s the message. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.

The origins of the Georgia Guidestones are shrouded in mystery. They have been nicknamed America’s Stonehenge. So now your asking, just what are the Georgia Guidestones? In short, they are a very mysterious and expensive granite monument standing nearly 20 feet tall in the middle of nowhere, near Elberton Georgia.

The reason they’re so mysterious is, not only the controversial messages carved into the Guidestones, but the people who talked to the man that ordered the Guidestones construction, and also paid for it, well it turns out, they were sworn to secrecy.

They would only say he was a well dressed, articulate man, calling himself R.C. Christian.

The Georgia Guidestones have four huge granite walls, and on each side of the walls are a set of guidelines, or commandments, that are carved into the stone in 8 different languages.

Each side of the four walls is written in a different language, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Swahili and Hebrew.

So there are eight of the worlds most popular languages, plus four ancient languages.

Resting on top of the four tall pillars of the Georgia Guidestones, is a massive rectangular capstone.

This is where you’ll find the four different ancient languages, They’re carved into the sides of the capstone.

Most of the directives that are carved into the guidestones, which on their face seem to be pretty good, however, there are a couple of them that really have people concerned, mainly the first one.

It reads, Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.You have to keep in mind that there are nearly 8 billion people on the planet right now.

SkyWatch TV News on The Georgia Guidestones.

The biggest issues most people have with these guidelines are, how closely they parallel the United Nations Agenda 21, the depopulation angle, and the reference of humanity being a cancer to the Earth.

Many see these type of Globalist ideas as a threat to everything they hold dear. One thing is for certain, any time they try to sneak something in, such as Carbon Taxes or Agenda 21, they push the exact ideals your seeing on the Georgia guidestones.

Remember, it’s always either to Save the planet, or It’s for Your Safety. this always sound good right?

Thes Guidelines on the stones sound like exactly like Agenda 21. If you’d like to understand Agenda 21 better, and how it relates to a One World Government dictatorship, that the Georgia Guidestones are so openly promoting, Then read my Agenda 21 blog if you like. You’ll see how our homes and property are in danger of being lost if they’re able to push this through.

So where did these Georgia Guidestones come from? Well back in 1979, a man using the name R.C. Christian came to Elberton Georgia, and commissioned the Georgia Guidestones to be built by Elberton Granite Finishing Company.

Many have tried to find the identity of this R.C. Christian character, while the only thing for certain is that he used a made up name. There are theories of what the name can stand for, some believe that the RC Christian was used because it sounds like Rosicrucianism.

The R.C. could also stand for the Rose and Cross in their symbolism. Is Rosicrucianism or Freemasonry behind it? Now what’s Rosicrucianism? That could be an article all it’s own, but basically It’s a worldwide brotherhood claiming to possess esoteric wisdom, that has been passed down from ancient times.

They also have ties to Freemasonry. Are the Georgia Guidestone pushing a New World Order? The wording of the Georgia Guidestones implies there should be a world government. This doesn’t sit right with a lot of people.

The New World Order is an agenda that has been pushed on us for decades now. Although it may seem that a World Government could be a good thing, with the right people in charge. Remember, Hitler and all the other dictators, wanted a one world government.

Why are the Georgia Guidestones origins a secret? When it comes to the ten guidelines of the Georgia Guidestones, it begs the question, if these are such noble concepts, then why all the secrecy?

Georgia Guidestones Removed

Another question has to be, how are they planning to get rid of 15 out of every 16 people?

Psychics are drawn to the Guidestones. Many occult members, psychics and new agers are drawn to the Georgia Guidestones, just like they are to Stonehenge and other such monuments. Most of these have astronomical alignments, and are located on ley-line locations.

They go there seeking the electromagnetic energy for what they feel is spiritual enhancement. So maybe the Georgia Guidestones really are America’s Stonehenge, in that aspect anyway.

Mark Dice on The Georgia Guidestones.

So who was R.C. Christian? According to the documentary Dark Clouds Over Elberton, there may have been two people behind the name R.C. Christian. One is named Robert Merryman and Dr. Herbert H Kersten of Fort Dodge Iowa.


Robert worked at a Publishing Company and was supposedly the publisher of a book called Common Sense Renewed.This is the book that was written later by a supposed Robert Christian.

Georgia Guidestones Commandments Pics

Then there’s Dr. Kirsten who is name is German for Christian, was a Catholic medical doctor that had strong beliefs encouraging birth control. This fits nicely into the first rule of the Georgia Guidestones and the population control.

Maybe we’ll never truly know the true Origins of the Georgia Guidestones? But the intentions of the Georgia Guidestones seem to be very clear, and fit perfectly into an admitted eugenics agenda, that has been publicly announced by some of our billionaires today.

Message On Georgia Guidestones

Look into, reducing the worlds population with vaccines, you can find them publicly announcing this on camera in front of large crowds, some as large and notable as Ted Talk speeches. Your jaw may drop as you hear and see this said, and in front of a camera. Wow.

Call them Globalists, Elites or New World Order, they have so many names, just like Lucifer, Diablo and Satan. Any coincidence? These men are pure evil, intent on bringing down humanity. The Georgia Guidestones seem to be a playbook of their intentions, carved in stone.

Georgia Guidestones Population