Esp32 Keyboard

  1. Esp32 Arduino Bluetooth
  2. Esp32 Keyboard Controller
  3. Esp32 Keyboard

Esp32 Arduino Bluetooth

A list of the 291 libraries in the architecture esp32.

Esp32 keyboard emulator

You need a PS2 keyboard female connector. You can get one from an old PC motherboard, simply unsold it with a heat gun. In the picture shown in this step, you can find the function of the needed pins of the PS2 connector. The connection are: Keyboard Data to ESP32 GPIO pin 32; Keyboard IRQ (clock) to ESP32. ESP32 can perform as a complete standalone system or as a slave device to a host MCU, reducing communication stack overhead on the main application processor. ESP32 can interface with other systems to provide Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality through its SPI / SDIO or I2C / UART interfaces. ESP32-Ethernet-Kit: ESP32-Ethernet-Kit is an ESP32-based development board produced by Espressif. It consists of two development boards, the Ethernet board A and the PoE board B, The Ethernet board contains Bluetooth / Wi-Fi dual-mode ESP32-WROVER-E module and IP101GRI, a Single Port 10/100 Fast Ethernet Transceiver (PHY). ESP32 BLE HID Keyboard With a keyboard, you can control anything, from your phone, iPad, laptop. This will give Arduino the power it needs to control any screen. Advanced Full instructions provided 7,061.

Esp32 keyboard emulator

Esp32 Keyboard Controller


Esp32 Keyboard

Adafruit LittlevGL Glue LibrarySimplifies use of LittlevGL library with Adafruit displays.
Adafruit ProtomatterA library for Adafruit RGB LED matrices.
ADS1118 libraryArduino library for TI ADS1118 (16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Internal Reference and Temperature Sensor).
AlgoduinoA simple API client implementation in C++ for the Algorand Blockchain.
AllWizeArduino-compatible library to interface RC1701HP-OSP/WIZE radio modules
AlmaviosLitMqttA Simple MQTT client for connection with cloud providers
AloesDeviceMQTT connector for Aloes
App Fernando KLibrary that helps working with the Fernando K app
ApproximateThe Approximate Library is a WiFi Arduino library for building proximate interactions between your Internet of Things and the ESP8266 or ESP32.
ArduinoLearningKitStarterLibrary for the ArduinoLearningKitStarter (ALKS) board by RoboticsBrno with definition of pins and initialization of peripheries.
ArduinoUniqueIDArduino Library to gets the Manufacture Serial Number from the Atmel AVR, SAM, SAMD, STM32, and ESP Microcontroller.
Arduino_ConnectionHandlerArduino Library for network connection management (WiFi, GSM, NB, [Ethernet])
ArtnetWifiArtNet with the ESP8266, ESP32 and more.
astra_esp8266Easily access a Cassandra database from an ESP8266.
AstroMechProtocol for exchanging small amounts of data over audio.
AsyncElegantOTAPerform OTAs for ESP8266 & ESP32 Asynchronously.
AsyncTelegramSimple Arduino Telegram BOT library for ESP8266 and ESP32
Atmel TSS463C VAN bus Datalink Controller libraryA library for the Atmel TSS463C VAN Datalink Controller with SPI
AutoAnalogAudioAutomated analog reads and analog output (streaming) using Arduino DAC(or PWM), ADC, DMA and Timers
AutoConnectESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at runtime with web interface.
AzureIoTHubAzure IoT library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing.
AzureIoTProtocol_HTTPAzure HTTP protocol library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing.
AzureIoTProtocol_MQTTAzure MQTT protocol library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing.
AzureIoTSocket_WiFiAzure IoT network adapter layer for use with Wi-Fi such as ESP32
AzureIoTUtilityAzure C shared utility library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing.
BasecampA basic IoT library for the ESP32
Beelan LoRaWANLoRaWAN Arduino Library for standalone LoRaWAN modules class A and C with a simple API.
BH1750Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
bitluni ESP32LibMultimedia library for the ESP32
BleeperA library to store generic configurations.
BlueDisplayThis library enables an Android smartphone or tablet to act as a graphical display for your Arduino.
BlynkESP32_BT_WFEnable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM.
BlynkGSM_ManagerSimple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
Blynk_Async_ESP32_BT_WFSimple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM. Enable inclusion of both ESP32 Blynk BT/BLE and WiFi libraries. Then select one at reboot or run both. Eliminate hardcoding your Wifi and Blynk credentials and configuration data saved in either SPIFFS or EEPROM. Using AsyncWebServer instead of (ESP8266)WebServer.
Blynk_Async_GSM_ManagerSimple GSM shield Credentials Manager for Blynk and ESP32 / ESP8266 boards, with or without SSL, configuration data saved in LittleFS / SPIFFS / EEPROM.
Blynk_Async_WMSimple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP8266/ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM
Blynk_WiFiManagerSimple WiFiManager for Blynk and ESP8266/ESP32 with or without SSL, configuration data saved in either LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM
BSEC Software LibraryBosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster (BSEC) Software library
ByteduinoA light implementation of Obyte cryptocurrency platform (formerly Byteball) for ESP8266 and ESP32
Ch376mscA library for CH376 file manager control chip.
ChirpSDKChirp SDK
cloud4rpi-esp-arduinoConnect a board to the Cloud4RPi control panel using MQTT -
CMMC MQTT ConnectorMQTT Connector library
CommandersThis is a library for Arduino to handle input devices like buttons, Dcc (railroad modeling), CAN or I2C bus, or serial interface to give orders.
ConfigManagerWiFi connection manager for ESP8266 and ESP32
CS5490A library control an integrated circuit Cirrus Logic - CS5490
CTBotSimple Arduino Telegram BOT library for ESP8266/ESP32
Cumulocity IoT clientA client library to connect your Arduino to Cumulocity IoT cloud over MQTT.
CurrentTransformerWithCallbacksCoil, Current Transformer (CT) based AC current measurements using fast ADC sampling of waveform
DabbleESP32Dabble is a library to interface ESP32 with Dabble Smartphone app on Arduino IDE.
DCCppThis is a library to control DCC devices.
DeepSleepSchedulerLightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision.
DHT sensor library for ESPxArduino ESP library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors
Dimmable Light for ArduinoThis library allows you to command electrical appliances through dimmer (also known as thyristor)
DIO2Fast digital input/output functions.
DMD32An Arduino library for ESP32 to drive DMD LED matrix display
DTF_ESP32UpdateUpdate ESP32 devices using Deploy the Fleet service.
EasyDDNSESP8266 & ESP32 DDNS Update Client Library.
Easy ESP Arduino IoT with CC1101Easy to use Arduino Library for the TI CC1101 Low-Power Sub-1GHz RF Transceiver
EasyPCF8574Generic library for PCF8574 easy to use
EEPROM32_RotateEEPROM wrapper for ESP32 that handles partition rotation
Effortless-SPIFFSA class designed to make reading and storing data on the ESP8266 and ESP32 effortless.
ElegantOTAPerform OTAs for ESP8266 & ESP32 Elegantly!
elkJavaScript engine for microcontrollers
ESPectro32ESPectro32 development board library for Arduino IDE
ESPiLightpilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino
ESPxRGBRGB manipulation functions in Xtensa assembler for ESP SoCs
ESPAsync_WiFiManagerESP32, ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager using AsyncWebServer, with enhanced GUI and fallback Web ConfigPortal.
ESP-DASHA blazing fast library to create realtime dashboards for ESP8266's and ESP32's.
ESPFlashLightweight library that makes SPIFFs usage simple and easy to understand on the ESP8266 and ESP32.
ESP-FlexyStepperThis library is used to control one or more stepper motors from an ESP32 device
ESPHapNative support Apple home kit protocol with Arduino projects
ESP LoggerThis library aims to provide an easy way to collect data
ESPNexUploadUpload UI file to Nextion displays using ESP's
ESPPerfectTimeSNTP library that provides more accurate time for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP QRcodeESP Generate QRCode for GDEH0213B72 eink display, SSD1306, SH1106 oled displays 128*64 pixel and others based on Adafruit ST77XX
EspSoftwareSerialImplementation of the Arduino software serial for ESP8266/ESP32.
ESP-StepperMotor-ServerA stepper motor control server for ESP32 with Web UI, REST API and CLI
ESPStringTemplateLightweight string templating library for building static web pages on the ESP8266
ESP-WiFiSettingsWiFi configuration manager for the ESP32 and ESP8266 platforms.
EspWiiA library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi.
ESP32AnalogReadLoad the ESP32 ADC calibration data and use it to read from the ADC.
ESP32 BLE ANCS NotificationsArduino library for ESP32, for reading and interacting with Smartphone notifications from iOS.
ESP32 BLE ArduinoBLE functions for ESP32
ESP32 BLE GamepadBluetooth LE Gamepad library for the ESP32.
ESP32-BLE-MIDIA library to use MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy on ESP32 boards.
ESP32-Chimera-CoreAlternate library M5Stack/M5Core2/Odroid-Go/D-Duino and possiblly other ESP32/TFT/SD bundles
ESP32 Digital RGB LED DriversA library for driving self-timed digital RGB/RGBW LEDs (WS2812, SK6812, NeoPixel, WS2813, etc.) using the Espressif ESP32 microcontroller's RMT output peripheral.
ESP32EncoderEncoder library for the ESP32 using interrupts.
esp32FOTAA simple library for firmware OTA updates
ESP32 HUB75 LED MATRIX PANEL DMA DisplayExperimental DMA based LED Matrix HUB75 Library
ESP32 I2C SlaveI2C slave library for ESP32 (unofficial) Image/Video uploader
ESP32 Mail ClientMail Client Arduino Library for ESP32
ESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader libraryESP32 RMT Peripheral VAN bus reader library
ESP32ServoAllows ESP32 boards to control servo, tone and analogWrite motors using Arduino semantics.
ESP32Servo360Initial development release
Esp32SimplePacketComsThis Arduino library supports Simple Packet Coms for Esp32.
ESP32-targzA library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
ESP32TimerInterruptThis library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-based board
Esp32WifiManagerThis Arduino library supports Wifi Management for Esp32.
esp32_ftpclientAn FTP-Client for the ESP32.
esp32_gamepadconnect ESP32 to SteelSeries:Free bluetooth gamepad.
ESP32_HTTPS_ServerAlternative ESP32 Webserver implementation for the ESP32, supporting HTTPS and HTTP.
esp32_https_server_compatAn Arduino library for an alternative ESP32 HTTP/HTTPS web server implementation
ESP32_ISR_ServoThis library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32 board to control multiple servo motors.
ESP32httpUpdateHttp Update for ESP32
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displaysI2C display driver for SSD1306 OLED displays connected to ESP8266, ESP32, Mbed-OS
ESP8266AudioAudio file and I2S sound playing routines.
esp8266-google-home-notifierSend notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32.
esp8266-google-ttsgenerate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32.
ESP8266 MQTT MeshSelf-assembling Mesh network built around the MQTT protocol supporting OTA
ESP8266 Weather StationESP8266 based internet connected Weather Station
ESP_DoubleResetDetectorLibrary to detect a double reset within a predetermined time, using RTC Memory, EEPROM, LittleFS or SPIFFS for ESP8266 and ESP32
esp_sds011ESP8266/ESP32 library for the SDS011 particulate matter sensor.
ESP_WiFiManagerESP32, ESP8266 MuiltiWiFi Connection Manager with enhanced GUI and fallback web ConfigPortal
FaBo 202 9Axis MPU9250A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick
FaBo 203 Color S11059A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo 206 UV Si1132A library for FaBo UV I2C Brick
FaBo 207 Temperature ADT7410A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick
FaBo 217 Ambient Light ISL29034A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick
FaBo 222 Environment BME680A library for FaBo Environment I2C Brick
FaBo 223 Gas CCS811A library for CCS811 that getting values of CO2 and TVOC.
FaBo 230 Color BH1749NUCA library for FaBo Color I2C Brick
FaBo GPIO40 PCA9698A library for FaBo GPIO.
FaBo Motor DRV8830A library for FaBo Motor.
FaBo PWM PCA9685A library for FaBo PWM.
FabGLVGA, SSD1306 ILI9341 ST7789 Controller, PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal for the ESP32
FastAccelStepperA high speed stepper library for Atmega 328p (nano), 2560 and ESP32
FauxmoESPAmazon Alexa support for ESP8266 and ESP32
Feature-VariablesPersistent event driven variables aimed at making complex designs much simpler
Firebase ESP32 ClientGoogle Firebase Realtime Database Arduino Client Library for Espressif ESP32
FirebaseJsonThe easiest Arduino library JSON parser, builder and editor for ESP8266, ESP32, Teensy 3.x, Teensy 4.x and others MCUs.
FMDataClientFilemaker 17 DATA API Client (ESP32)
Freenove WS2812 Lib for ESP32An Arduino library for WS2812 led on ESP32.
FunctionFsmA library that simplifies the creation of finite state machines and streamlines the process of turning state diagrams into code..
GifDecoderPlay Animated GIFs
Green BeaconBLE beacon library compatible with LINE Simple Beacon
GUIsliceGUIslice embedded touchscreen GUI library in C for Arduino & Raspberry Pi
Hello DrumArduino Library for piezo sensing
Heltec ESP32 Dev-BoardsLibrary for Heltec ESP32 (or ESP32+LoRa) based boards
HomeSpanA robust and extremely easy-to-use HomeKit implementation for the Espressif ESP32 running on the Arduino IDE.
HONEYLemonA library HONEYLemon Platform.
IBusBMArduino library for the Flysky/Turnigy RC iBUS protocol - servo (receive) and sensors/telemetry (send) using hardware UART (AVR, ESP32 and STM32 architectures)
IRremoteSend and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
IRremoteESP8266Send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols (ESP8266/ESP32)
iSYNCA library that makes Internet of Things for iSYNC IoT Cloud Platform.
IFTTTWebhookLibrary for triggering IFTTT web hooks
InfraredAn object oriented library for sending, receiving, generating, and decoding IR signals on the Arduino.
IoTtweetESP32A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on
IOTAppStory-ESPUpdate your ESP8266, ESP32 & Nextion displays over the air(OTA)
IotWebConfESP8266/ESP32 non-blocking WiFi/AP web configuration.
IRMPReceive and send infrared signals.
JeVe_EasyOTAEasy include OTA Updates
JTAGA library to perform JTAG operations and play XSVF.
KoynA trustless and decentralized Bitcoin library for Arduino compatible boards
LCDMenuLibA library with you can generate a menu`s based on the nested set model with multi layers
LegoinoLibrary for controlling PoweredUp, Boost, Corntrol+ controllers/hubs
Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module LibraryLibrary to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module from an Arduino-like board (Teensy 3+/ESP32+ minimum).
LibSSH-ESP32SSH client and SSH server library for ESP32 based on libssh.
LittleFS_esp32LittleFS for esp32 based on esp_littlefs IDF component. Use esp32 core-provided LITTLEFS library instead of this one when available in future core releases.
LoRaNowLoRaNow Library is a simple LoRa Node <> Gateway communication protocol.
LovyanGFXLCD Graphics driver with touch for ESP32 and SAMD51
mDashRemote control and OTA for ESP32 via IoT backend
M5AtomLibrary for M5Atom Core development kit
M5-CoreInkLibrary for M5CoreInk development kit
M5Core2Library for M5Stack Core2 development kit
M5EPDLibrary for M5Paper development kit
M5StackLibrary for M5Stack Core development kit
M5Stack-SD-UpdaterSD Card Loader for M5 Stack
M5Stack_AvatarYet another avatar module for M5Stack
M5Stack_OnScreenKeyboardOnScreenKeyboard for M5Stack
M5Stack_SimpleBeepSimple Beep for M5Stack.
M5Stack_TreeViewTreeView Menu UI for M5Stack
M5StickCLibrary for M5StickC Core development kit
M5_RTC_ModuleA library for using the RTC-Module from iotec for the M5-Stack.
M5ezComplete interface builder for the M5Stack, an ESP32 based mini tinker-computer
Melody PlayerThis library provides an easy interface to play melodies on buzzers
MFRC522Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI)
MFRC522-spi-i2c-uart-asyncArduino RFID Library for MFRC522 (SPI, I2C and UART) with asynchroneous callbacks
Mini GrafxGraphics Library for embedded devices with a framebuffer
modbus-esp8266Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP Library for ESP8266/ESP32
ModuleInterfaceModuleInterface is an open-source system for configuration of and data logging from Arduinos and similar devices.
MoonPhaseGet lunar phase information on a esp32.
MPU6050MPU6050 Arduino Library.
mrm-8x8aCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-8x8a, 8x8 LED array + switches
mrm-bldc2x50CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc2x50, 2x50A BLDC motor controller
mrm-bldc4x2.5CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-bldc4x2.5, 4x2.5 A BLDC motor controller
mrm-boardCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-board
mrm-can-busCAN Bus library
mrm-col-canCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-can
mrm-col-commonCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-col-common
mrm-imuLibrary for Bosch BNO055 IMU for MRMS
mrm-ir-finder-canCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder-can
mrm-ir-finder2CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder2
mrm-ir-finder3CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ir-finder3
mrm-lid-can-bCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b
mrm-lid-can-b2CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-lid-can-b2
mrm-lid1Library for MRMS mrm-lid1 board
mrm-lid2Library for MRMS mrm-lid2
mrm-mot2x50CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot2x50
mrm-mot4x10CAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x10
mrm-mot4x3.6canCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-mot4x3.6can
mrm-nodeCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-node
mrm-pidLibrary for a very simple PID
mrm-ref-canCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-ref-can
mrm-robotCAN Bus library for a base class for used-defined robots.
mrm-servoLibrary for MRMS mrm-servo
mrm-switchLibrary for MRMS mrm-switch
mrm-therm-b-canCAN Bus library for MRMS mrm-therm-b-can.
NeoGPSNMEA and ublox GPS parser, configurable to use as few as 10 bytes of RAM
NeoPatternsPatterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern example by Adafruit.
NimBLE-ArduinoBluetooth low energy (BLE) library for arduino-esp32 based on NimBLE.
NoDelayArduino library to make use of the Millis funtion for non Blocking Delays.
NodeRedTimeFetch Unix Epoch timestamp from Node-Red flow.
Nova Fitness Sds dust sensors libraryA high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family
OneWireNgArduino 1-wire service library
OpenMRNLiteNetwork protocol stack for model railroading: OpenLCB and LCC implementation.
OptoDebounce100Hz opto debouncer.
OROCA-EduBotA library for OROCA-EduBot
PageBuilderHTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266/ESP32 WebServer.
PersWiFiManagerPersistent WiFi Manager
phyphox BLEUse the app phyphox to visualize your sensor data on your phone or tablet!
PJONPJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media bus network protocol
PLEN5StackPLEN5Stack Library
plotutils2-D vector graphics composition library
PS3 Controller HostControl your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!
PxMatrix Christmas IconsArduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects.
PxMatrix Christmas IconsArduino/ESP8366 library which contains a number of LED fade effects.
RadioengeLoraWANImplementation of RadioengeLoraWAN AT-COMMANDS..
rc-switchOperate 433/315Mhz devices.
Redis for ArduinoAn Arduino library for Redis.
RemoteDebuggerRemoteDebug addon: RemoteDebugger, an simple software debugger - based on SerialDebug Library
RichHttpServerAn addon for ESP8266WebServer which makes common tasks for developing a rich REST API straightforward.
Ringo by CircuitMess LibraryRingo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way.
RoxMuxCollection of Multiplexer and Hardware Controllers.
rrdtoolRound Robin Database Tool
S7XGAcSIP S7XG LoRaWAN/GPS module library
Senses_wifi_esp32A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on Senses IoT platform.
ServoEasingEnables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other (Cubic, Circular, Bounce, etc.) ease movements for servos are provided. The Arduino Servo library or PCA9685 servo expanders are supported.
ServoESP32Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework.
SHT1x sensor library for ESPxArduino ESP library for SHT1x Temp & Humidity Sensors for ESP32
SID6581SID 6581/8580 Chiptune Player / MIDI slave for ESP32
SimpleMotionV2-ArduinoAn Arduino library for controlling SimpleMotion IONI/ARGON drives from Granite Devices.
simple-web-dashboardDisplays variable values on a simple web page
SinricProLibrary for - simple way to connect your device to alexa
SmartMatrixDrive HUB75 RGB Matrix Panels with High Quality Graphics from a Teensy 3, Teensy 4, or ESP32
SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-LibDriver for cc1101.
Somfy_Remote_LibControl Somfy RTS devices
SpacecatAn Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 to makes things easier that requires authentication with an RFID card
SPIMemorySPI Memory library for Arduino. (Formerly SPIFlash)
SPIFFSIniFileLibrary to read and parse .ini files on ESP8266 and ESP32 platforms
SPIFFS_FilePrintLightweight library for rolling file print. It logs to SPIFFS.
Sqlite3Esp32Sqlite3 database library for ESP32 core
SSLClientArduino library to add TLS functionality to any Client class
sunsetAllows calculation of sunrise, sunset, and moonphase
SvgParserA SVG GUI library for ESP8266. Output to a (touch) display and also as webservice
SwitchArduino library for deglitching and debouncing switches and buttons.
SX126x-ArduinoArduino library to use Semtech SX126x LoRa chips and modules to communicate
THiNX32A library to wrap THiNX device registration, MQTT and OTA Update
TalkieSpeech library for Arduino.
TelnetStream2Stream implementation over telnet for OTA debuging
TGP EcranPermet l'intitialisation simplifié de l'écran Adafruit SSD1306.
TGP Menu OLEDPermet la création d'un menu deroulant sur affichage OLED SSD1306.
TGP ProtoTGPPermet le contrôle simplifié de la plateforme de développement ProtoTGP.
The IoT Guru integrationCloud and Android frontend support to your devices
Thermal Printer LibraryBluetooth Low Energy Thermal Printer Library
ThingSpeakThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266 & EPS32
ThingSpeak_asukiaaaAn API manager for ThingSpeak Core32 OS Library for ESP32 based devices
Timer-CAMLibrary for M5Stack Timer-CAM development kit
TinyFontRendererA library which renders TinyFonts derived from Truetype fonts
TinyUPnPAdd port mappings to your router automatically
TR-064 SOAP LibraryArduino/ESP library for the TR-064 protocol
TridentTD_EasyFreeRTOS32A library for ESP32's FreeRTOS in the easy way
TridentTD_LinenotifyA library for LINE Nofity
TsicSensorArduino library for reading TSIC temperature sensors.
TTN_esp32ESP 32 port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library.
TTN_M5StackM5Stack Lorawan Module port of the Arduino TheThingsNetwork library.
twilio-esp32-clientLibrary for sending and receiving SMS/MMS using Twilio.
VNH3SP30Library for the VNH3SP30 and VNH5019A-E motor controllers (H-bridge motor driver)
WakeOnLanGenerate and send Wake On Lan (WOL) packet over UDP protocol.
WebConfigA web based configuration editor.
WebSerialA Web based Serial Monitor for ESP8266 & ESP32 to debug your code remotely.
WEDO 2.0 BLE for ESP32A library that supports to use BLE to connect and cotnrol the wedo2.0
WiFiConnectA WiFi Manager for ESP8266 or ESP32 with OLED support
WiFiConnect LiteA simple WiFi Connection Manager (captive portal) for the ESP8266 or ESP32.
WiFiManagerWiFi Configuration manager with web configuration portal for ESP boards
WifiLocationLibrary to get geographic position (lat, lon, accuracy), without GPS, by listening surrounding WiFi networks (Works with ESP8266 and WiFi101 boards, including MKR1000)
wm8978-esp32An esp32 library for the wm8978 dac.