Ancestral Quest Basics Download

Download Ancestral Quest 16 Click the link in the box below to download the latest version of Ancestral Quest 16 (AQ 16). Once the file has successfully downloaded, open it (run it) to complete the installation. When you purchased this product, you received a personal registration key that will activate the full functionality of AQ 16. Latest Updates for Ancestral Quest 16 Click below to download the latest updates for Ancestral Quest 16 (AQ 16). Or, if you are looking for the free Basics version, click here. NOTE: It is a good idea to back up your databases before updating to a new version of Ancestral Quest. Ancestral Quest Basics: Free; Ancestral Quest 14 download: $29.95; Ancestral Quest 14 CD-ROM: $34.95; Upgrade from a previous version of Ancestral Quest: $19.95 Features: Link in to online ancestry genealogy databases like; Search directly via WorldVitalRecords; Synchronize data with New Family Search. Download Files Download Ancestral Quest Basics for free! Below is the download link for Ancestral Quest 16. Until you purchase an AQ 16 Registration Key, it will run as Ancestral Quest Basics, in which the essential features of AQ are all active at no cost, but the premium “bells and whistles” are unavailable. Ancestral Quest (AQ) family tree software is the easiest to use and most versatile genealogy program for Macintosh on the market. Its format is perfect for the beginner and yet powerful enough for.

My name is Myron Mike Crandall and I am the webmaster. My wife is Ruthie Linder
Crandall. I have spent many years adding sources and stories whenever possible to
mine and my wife's
genealogy. All of Ruthie's genealogy comes from the south. Her
major names are
Linder, Berry, Cooper, Hood, Lamb, Morgan, McNew, and Pattison.
My own ancestry comes
mostly from the north. My major names are Crandall, Bailey,
Lamborn, Lewis, Moody,
Packer, Pember and Spaulding. We hope that you will enjoy
your visit here and find
new information for your own family, and are anxious to hear
from anyone who may have
additional information about our ancestors or in helping us
with any corrections.
This genealogy may contain mistakes. Therefore, all entries should be checked
against original documents for accuracy. We hope that these webpages are useful to
you in your research. Years ago I first began using PAF to record my genealogy but
when the LDS Church stopped updating PAF I switched from PAF to Ancestral Quest.
I switched because almost all of the functions of Ancestral Quest are identical to what
was in PAF. I use the paid version but a free version called Ancestral Quest Basics
is an easy to
use, complete genealogy program. It has all the same features you need
to record,
preserve and share your family history. It is just like the full version of
Quest, but is missing some of the more advanced bells and whistles along
with all of
the cost.. But Ancestral Quest along with several important enhancements
the ability to synchronise data with FamilySearch FamilyTree. If you know how to
PAF you can now use Ancestral Quest Basics for free to combine the core
of PAF and FamilySearch FamilyTree in one product. It looks and feels
like a major upgrade to PAF. I love it! Here is the link to get:
Visit my other site where the Linder-Hood and Moody-Crandall families can share
data and help build their family tree online instead of repeating each others research.
There are at this time 14,764 individuals in the Moody-Crandall family tree
and 11,408 individuals in the Linder-Hood family tree with 1064 Linders.

I know of two main good website's useful to research genealogy. One is FamilySearch
Along with FamilySearch is a very large Family Tree. which is also free to join.
You might find your own ancestry here. To get to the Family Tree just open up
FamilySearch. Look across the top of the page and you will find the 'Free Account'
button to the right of 'Sign In' 'Family Tree'. Click on that and a new page
will open up asking you for your account information. Don't worry about missionaries
visiting you because of your signing up because none will come from signing up here.
The other
Ancestry is not a free site like Familysearch is but I have found it to be very useful.
At times even more so than FamilySearch.

Ancestral Quest partners with FamilySearch and provides one way to export a copy of your free FamilySearch Family Tree.

If you have a family tree at FamilySearch you can’t download a GEDCOM file of your tree directly from FamilySearch but you have three options for creating a GEDCOM file so you’ll have full control of your tree and which ancestors & descendants you want to have included.

This blog gives instructions for your first option,

How to Import Your Free FamilySearch Family Tree at Ancestral Quest and How to Create a GEDCOM file at Ancestral Quest.

I wanted a GEDCOM file with ancestors through my 5th great-grandparents and all their descendants. My GEDCOM file has roughly 34,000 names and took me 12 hours to import & create. I did my imports in batches because I was afraid thousands of names all in one fell swoop would crash the program. Adjust these instructions as needed for your tree and personal circumstances.

How to Import a Free FamilySearch Family Tree at Ancestral Quest

  1. Select Ancestral Quest Basics (version 15) – Windows or Mac – this is always FREE
  2. Download either AQ 15 Basics for Windows Setup or AQ 15 Basics for Mac Setup
  3. You will be downloading this file, C:Program Files (x86)Incline SoftwareAncestral Quest 15same installer
  4. Run the .exe file
  5. You’ll see a pop-up window, “Ancestral Quest 15 Setup” Select the default language of your choice & hit Next
  6. You’ll see a pop-up window, “Internet Research Options” Select your preferences & hit Next
  7. You’ll see a pop-up window for more “Internet Research Options” Select your preferences & hit Next
  8. You’ll see a pop-up window for more “Internet Research Options” Select your preferences & hit Next
  9. Ancestral Quest now launches* and you’ll have multiple options (listed below), Select Import from FamilySearch ORselect FamilySearch from the top menu and Import Family Lines
    • New – Create a new .aq database, etc
    • Open – Open an existing file
    • Import GEDCOM
    • Import from FamilySearch
    • Search
    • Restore
    • Collaborate
  10. You’ll be prompted to create a destination path for this FamilySearch Import, Type in a file name/folder on your computer where you would like Ancestral Quest to save the imported tree, Select OK
  11. You’ll be prompted to sign in to FamilySearch and have AQ remember this id and password and automatically sign you in when needed, Enter your FamilySearch login & password and select your preferences (there is also an advanced option-you won’t need this)
  12. You’ll now be prompted to Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch with some default options. I’ll share my default options but choose your own and then hit Import
    • I opted to import Download my (Alyson Tayler) ancestors, selected 8 generations, & included families
    • Later, with the family tree (pedigree chart) open, I highlighted each 3rd great-grandparent and selected FamilySearch from the top menu bar, and Import Family Lines…
    • This brought me back to the prompt Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch and the new default option was to Add Descendants to person and it named the 3rd great-grandparent I had highlighted. I then told it import 5 generations of descendants, as Standardized by FamilySearch (it didn’t import duplicates already in my tree)
    • Later, with with the family tree (pedigree chart) open, I highlighted each 5th great grandparent and selected FamilySearch from the top menu bar, and Import Family Lines…
    • This brought me back to the prompt Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch and the new default option was to Add Descendants to person and it named the 5th great grandparent I had highlighted. I then told it import 4 generations of descendants, as Standardized by FamilySearch (I did this for both husbands and wives in case they had had children with another spouse-it didn’t import duplicates already in my tree

NOTE 1: Each time you import more names into a family tree, Ancestral Quest will ask if you want to backup the information currently in your tree. It’s a good idea to say yes. It will ask you if you want to replace the existing AQ file with an updated one and you should say yes. The more names you import, the larger your tree grows, and you should always allow AQ to quickly backup your work. The backup takes 1-2 seconds and doesn’t slow down your project.

NOTE 2: A nice feature at Ancestral Quest is they give you a prompt explaining what’s happening when the import gets bogged down. It says, “Family Search is Busy…retrying.” It took about 1 hour to import 10 generations of descendants from a 9th great grandfather.

How to Import a FamilySearch Family Tree for a Different Individual

Ancestral Quest Download

Ancestral Quest Basics Download
  1. Open the AncestralQuest program, now downloaded onto your computer
  2. You’ll be prompted to select a version, select the free version Use Ancestral Quest Basics
  3. You may get a popup box with Tip of the Day lessons, you can read through these, selecting Next Tip to progress through each window, or select Close to be done
  4. It will pull up the family tree/pedigree already associated you’ve most recently imported; you don’t want to use this tree. From the top menu bar select File, then New
  5. It will give you a popup box and you will need to create a file name and storage place for the new tree you are going to import. Type in the file name of your choosing then select Create
  6. You’ll see a blank pedigree chart. On the top menu bar, select Family Search, then Import Family Lines
  7. You’ll see a pop up box requesting you sign in to; Type in your FamilySearch User Name and Password, and check any boxes you want, then select Sign In
  8. You’ll see a pop up box Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch, select the import actions you want to perform (if you don’t want this family tree to start with the person whose FamilySearch Login and Password you used, you’ll need to go to a FamilySearch tree, find the name of the person you want the tree to start with, write down their FamilySearch Person ID number (FS PID) and then find the go back to Ancestral Quest and on this Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch, find the FS PID box and type in the number of the person who will be the home person on your new tree
  9. When you’ve made all your selections on the Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch, select Import
  10. If you want to import more information for this tree, such as Descendants of ancestors (distant cousins, etc., who fall outside of your imported line of direct ancestors), you’ll have a few more steps to take.
    • On a PC or Mac, you can highlight an ancestor in your newly imported pedigree chart, then select FamilySearch from the top menu bar, and Import Family Lines… this will make the ancestor you highlighted the new default person used as a basis for you next import
  11. This brings you back to the prompt Import Ancestors/Descendants from FamilySearch
    • On a PC or Mac, select Add Descendants to person and it names the ancestor you highlighted. In the Additional Options part of this pop up box, type in the number of descendant generations you wish to import (I’ve discovered Ancestral Quest is able to handle large amounts of data so I typed in 10 generations of descendants – depending on how many generations back your ancestor is, you may request greater or fewer generations of descendants for this person
  12. Follow this process for each ancestor for whom you wish to import extra descendancy lines

NOTE 1: Each time you import more names into a family tree, Ancestral Quest will ask if you want to backup the information currently in your tree. It’s a good idea to say yes. It will ask you if you want to replace the existing AQ file with an updated one and you should say yes. The more names you import, the larger your tree grows, and you should always allow AQ to quickly backup your work. The backup takes 1-2 seconds and doesn’t slow down your project.

Ancestral Quest Basics Download Windows 10

NOTE 2: A nice feature at Ancestral Quest is they give you a prompt explaining what’s happening when the import gets bogged down. It says, “Family Search is Busy…retrying.” It took about 1 hour to import 10 generations of descendants from a 9th great grandfather.

How to Create a GEDCOM of your FamilySearch Family Tree at Ancestral Quest

Ancestral Quest Software

  1. On the top menu bar Select File, then Export
  2. A window will open entitled Export GEDCOM File
    • Select Export for import info “Ancestral Quest 12 or later” or another option and then select everything you want to be included in the export and hit the Export button
  3. A window will open entitled Export GEDCOM File As and you’ll need to do these three things:
    • Save In (select a place on your computer where you want the GEDCOM file stored)
    • File Name (type in the name you want for this GEDCOM file)
    • Files of Type (select GEDCOM Files (*.ged))
  4. Ancestral Quest will create a GEDCOM file and save it to your computer. Now you can upload this FamilySearch Family Tree GEDCOM file to any other family tree site that accepts GEDCOM files.

*Every time you open/launch Ancestral Quest you will be asked which version you want to use. Select Ancestral Quest Basics.
Here’s a pinnable image to save these instructions for future reference. Please follow the OnGenealogy #GenealogyTips Pinterest board for helpful tips from genealogy bloggers.