Georgia Guidestones Decoded

  1. These 8 Conspiracy Theories About The Georgia Guidestones Will Make You Question Everything. If you’re from Georgia, you’ve most likely heard of the Georgia Guidestones. Located in Nuberg, these four granite slabs have been at the center of wild, and very intense conspiracy theories for the past 30 years.
  2. The nearly 20-foot high series of granite slabs known as the Georgia Guidestones are inscribed with a series of admonitions for a future 'Age of Reason.' Billed as 'America's Stonehenge,' it's an.
  3. Brad Meltzer’s ‘Decoded’ team investigates the mystery surround the ‘Georgia Guidestones’.This writer still does not know what to make of the monument and the theories surrounding it, though I do wonder why anyone would go to so much trouble and financial outlay unless it was rather important.

The Georgia Guidestones, Elberton's most unusual set of granite monoliths, poses a mystery for the numerous visitors who visit the site seven miles north of Elberton on Georgia Highway 77. Known as America's Stonehenge, this 19-foot high monument displays a 10-part message espousing the conservation of mankind and future generations in 12.

Let me be frank, first. The Georgia Guidestones are a roadside attraction, not a destination in and of themselves. Since they are a far drive from Atlanta, I’d recommend stopping to see this “American Stonehenge” on your way to Watson Mill Bridge State Park or Richard B Russell State Park. Both are wonderful (and not too far from each other.) But once you are out that way, you MUST make Georgia Guidestones a priority! Since it was erected, the Guidestones have been the center of several stories from conspiracy theorists…what do you think?

Typically called a cross between Stonehenge and the Rosetta Stone, no one knows the exact purpose of the granite monument. They are a little freaky, and a lot weird. But there is no denying their artistic prowess. Here are 10 interesting facts that showcase their strangeness!

1. Multi-lingual Guidelines

A set of 10 guidelines are inscribed on the structure in eight languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. These guidelines are meant to be a guidestone to an “Age of Reason.”

2. Aligned With The Stars and Earth

The monument stands at the highest point in Elberton, purchased for $5,000. The capstone on top is astronomically aligned with the north star, and there is an additional stone to the west of the structure. On it is inscribed notes and a history of the Guidestones.

3. A Sundial and Clock

The guidestones also serve as an astronomical calendar, and every day at noon the sun shines through a 7/8-inch hole in the center stone and illuminates the day’s date on an engraving.

4. The World’s Finest Granite

Robert C. Christian, the man who commissioned the guidestones in 1979 (probably not his real name,) came to Elbert County to secure the granite slabs because he believed the quarries here produced the finest stone on the planet. It would be the largest stones quarried in the county…4 of them stand at 16 feet tall and weigh over 20 tons each. The capstone weighs 25,000 pounds.

5. Famous Believers

Yoko Ono is a supporter of the inscriptions on the stones, saying the words are “a stirring call to rational thinking.” The call she refers to are instructions for basic concepts required to rebuild civilization following a nuclear Doomsday. Of course, others believe it is an occult structure used for pagan rituals.

6. Ted Turner Could Be Involved

Many locals around the stones believe Ted Turner built the structure. “The rumor here is that Ted Turner built them. Jives with a lot of his beliefs, his big money, and his absolutely zany personality,” said one man who preferred to remain anonymous.

7. Not-So-Secure Cameras

The land on which the guidestones sit is owned by the county. In 2014 there was a bout of vandalism on the stones which led to the placement of two wireless cameras. Reportedly, the cameras were never powered, though.

8. Message From The Movies

In 2015 a documentary was released that explains the connection to the Rosicrucians, the Freemasonry, and United Nations!

9. Math Facts

While most believe these are instructions for what to do after an apocalypse, some are fearful that the first rule is a call for genocide. Let’s do some math…if humanity were to be reduced to only 500 million, it would be destroying over 80% of the worlds population!

10. Could The Time Capsule Be The Answer?

The nearby legend code references a time capsule buried beneath the tablet. The only problem? The fields on the stone reserved for the dates it was buried have never been inscribed. Was the time capsule never buried, or were the dates never updated?

The inscription

  • Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  • Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  • Unite humanity with a living new language.
  • Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  • Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  • Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world order court.
  • Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  • Balance personal rights with social duties.
  • Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  • Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Georgia Guidestones Cube Decoded

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Georgia guide stones a mysterious musical note decoded “sacred harp” harmony’s treble, alto, tenor,bass!
Georgia guidestones removed
Georgia guidestones align with sacred harp
Fa triangled, sol oval like circle, mi diamond, la rectangle. Since there is a circle like hole drilled in center pillar that would be where sol would begin on either side of the drilled hole?

Brad Meltzer Georgia Guidestones

Who's who?
R.C Christian would most likely mean Christian Rhythm chords (chorus)? The georgia guide stones are in code tone with the sacred harp each pillar represents treble alto tenor bass.
The Stone Words
maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. There were already 4.5 billion people on the planet, meaning eight out of nine had to go (today it would be closer to 12 out of 13). This instruction was echoed and expanded by tenet number two: guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity. It didn't take a great deal of imagination to draw an analogy to the practices of, among others, the Nazis. Guide number three instructed readers to unite humanity with a living new language. This sent a shiver up the spine of local ministers who knew that the Book of Revelations warned of a common tongue and a one-world government as the accomplishments of the Antichrist. Guide number four—rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason—was similarly threatening to Christians committed to the primacy of faith over all. The last six guides were homiletic by comparison. protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. avoid petty laws and useless officials. balance personal rights with social duties. prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite. be not a cancer on the earth—leave room for nature—leave room for nature.
Keith Ranville says the guidestone are place to be in harmony to our world in one man's opinion in who set them in place?
Cree Code Breaker
Keith Ranville